Master the Secrets of
Off-Leash Beagle Training
Overcome The Fear Of Your Beagle Not Returning When
Called With The Beagle Lady's 3-Step Recall Training Process:
Designed To Boost Your Confidence & Improve Your Beagle's Responses
🎥This is the recorded version of the live training session
that took place on April 11, 2024.
Included in this package is the complete
two-hour Virtual Recall Training session recording,
Along with all the additional Bonus Training content as outlined below.
Master Off-Leash Beagle Training
Overcome The Fear Of Your Beagle Not Returning
When Called With The Beagle Lady's
Easy 3-Step Recall Training Process:
🎥 This is the recorded version of the live training session that took place on
April 11, 2024.
Included in this package is the complete
Two-hour Virtual Recall Training
Session Recording,
Along with all the additional
Bonus Training Content
as outlined below.
Kellie Wynn
Kellie, who is based in Guernsey, is a dedicated beagle behaviour trainer offering global online programs.
She's committed to guiding Beaglers worldwide to understand and train their beagles successfully with simple, beagle-specific strategies.
She was a Detective Sergeant for 12 years (served for 18 years) and was the "Single Point Of Contact for Dangerous Dog Cases."
Contributor to the No1 Beagle Training Guide -"The Beagle Handbook" as seen on Amazon.
Author of "The Seven Beagles of Christmas" teaching children how to be respectful around their beagles.
Has adopted four beagles, all of whom have had health and behaviour issues, including epilepsy, OCD, aggression, leash reactivity, separation anxiety, and poor recall.
Kellie Wynn
Kellie, who is based in Guernsey, is a dedicated beagle behaviour trainer offering global online programs.
She's committed to guiding Beaglers worldwide to understand and train their beagles successfully with simple, beagle-specific strategies.
She was a Detective Sergeant for 12 years (served for 18 years) and was the "Single Point Of Contact for Dangerous Dog Cases."
Contributor to the No1 Beagle Training Guide -"The Beagle Handbook" as seen on Amazon.
Author of "The Seven Beagles of Christmas" teaching children how to be respectful around their beagles.
Has adopted four beagles, all of whom have had health and behaviour issues, including epilepsy, OCD, aggression, leash reactivity, separation anxiety, and poor recall.
Beagle's Trained Online
Beaglers Helping Each Other
Countries love Beagle Training
Only 1
Dedicated Beagle Trainer Worldwide!
Carol G
Goggle Review
Kellie really understands the unique beagle behavior and her methods work!
Beagles can be a challenge, but Kellie’s positive reinforcement techniques that utilize the beagle motivation and psyche really work.
I have been an experienced beagle mom for over 25 years and yet I still learn valuable training tricks from Kellie.
Definitely the best trainer for beagles that I have experienced.
"Help Beagle Owners All Over The World Go Beyond Traditional Obedience Training...
Unlocking What Truly Works For Beagles."
Because beagles march to the
beat of their own drum!
"Help Beagle Owners All Over The World Go Beyond Traditional Obedience Training...
Unlocking What Truly Works For Beagles."
Because beagles march to the beat of their own drum!
Get Access To
Recall Training
Where You'll
Learn All
Of This!
Discover The Perfect Environments Where Freedom
Meets Safety
Turning off-leash time into a stress-free joy rather than a worry.
Learn that Hunting Season &
Certain Weather Means Limited Off-leash Freedom
Preventing heartache and anxiety, and instead a joyful walk.
Uncover The Truth Behind Why Conventional Recall Methods
Fall Short
And how understanding this can restore your confidence in training.
Understanding That Your Beagle's Seeming Defiance Is Actually The Call To Hunt
It's not about disrespect but a deep-rooted instinct that we work with.
Master The Art Of The Long Line, To Help With Your Training & Moments of Leash Time
Ensuring you remain upright and tangle free, as well as giving your beagle space.
Manage Distractions, Learn what Tools to Use To Recall & How Much Off-Leash Time
Preventing your beagle from running up to dogs and people, which causes embarrassment.
Discover The Perfect Environments
Where Freedom Meets Safety
Turning off-leash time into a stress-free
joy rather than a worry.
Learn that Hunting Season & Certain
Weather Means Limited Off-leash Freedom
Preventing heartache and anxiety,
and instead a joyful walk.
Uncover The Truth Behind Why Conventional
Recall Methods Fall Short
And how understanding this can restore
your confidence in training.
Understanding That Your Beagle's Seeming Defiance Is Actually The Call To Hunt
It's not about disrespect but a deep-rooted
instinct that we work with.
Master The Art Of The Long Line, To Help With
Your Training & Moments of Leash Time
Ensuring you remain upright and tangle free,
as well as giving your beagle space.
Manage Distractions, Learn what Tools to Use To Recall & How Much Off-Leash Time
Preventing your beagle from running up to dogs and people, which causes embarrassment.
When You Register For The Recall Training You'll Receive all of the
Bonus Training below
How To Stop Your Beagle Barking Out Of Windows
Calmer Beagle Inside Your Home,
Is An Easier Beagle To Train Outside
How To Stop Your Beagle Barking In The Garden
This can help in reducing barking during walks and towards triggers such as dogs and people.
Read Your Beagle's Body Language
Understanding body language signals can prevent aggression and understand anxiety.
Stop Your Beagle Pulling
You On A Walk
This will help teach your beagle not to pull you
on a leash, which makes walks more
enjoyable for you.
When You Register For
The Recall Training,
You'll Receive
The Following
Free Bonus Training
How To Stop Your
Beagle Barking Out Of Windows
Calmer Beagle Inside Your Home, Is An Easier Beagle To Train Outside
How To Stop Your Beagle Barking In The Garden
This can help in reducing barking during walks and towards triggers such as dogs and people.
Read Your Beagle's Body Language
Understanding body language signals can prevent aggression and anxiety.
Stop Your Beagle Pulling You On A Walk
This will help teach your beagle not to pull you on a leash, which makes walks more enjoyable for you.
Receive Extra Support After The Live Training
Join the exclusive Beagle Coaching Mastery Support Group, a space where you can:
Beaglers love this group, confident that all tips and advice shared align with Kellie's
Beagle Training philosophy.
Receive Extra Support
Join the Exclusive
Beagle Coaching Mastery Support Group,
a Space Where You Can:
🐾 Ask Kellie and the rest of the members questions about your training.
🐾 Share your recall training videos for tips but to also show us how well you are doing.
🐾 And cheer on the other members who are progressing and implementing what was learned in the Live Training.
Beaglers love this group, confident that
all tips and advice shared align with
Kellie's Beagle Training philosophy.
It's Important for You to Know
What This Training Involves...
🐾 Are you comfortable learning from
video tutorials?
Or do you prefer having someone physically present to guide you? This training is similar to YouTube but exclusively for beagles.
🐾 This Approach Is Not About
Obedience Training
Nor does it involve dominance techniques. Instead, we focus on using rewards, acknowledging that our beagles will always require incentives for recall.
🐾 Beagle Recall Training requires repetition
and a lot of patience
Additionally, there's the possibility that you might determine that your beagle shouldn't go off leash once concluding the training.
🐾 You're keen to give it a substantial effort
Because you'd love to grant your beagle a bit more freedom. Moreover, you're eager to learn how to provide them with the best possible life.
It's Important for You to Know What This Training Involves...
Are you comfortable learning from video tutorials? Or do you prefer having someone physically present to guide you? This training is similar to YouTube but exclusively for beagles.
This approach is not about obedience training, nor does it involve dominance techniques. Instead, we focus on using rewards, acknowledging that our beagles will always require incentives for recall.
Beagle Recall Training requires repetition and a great deal of patience. Additionally, there's the possibility that you might determine that your beagle shouldn't go off leash once concluding the training or after training with your beagle.
You're keen to give it a substantial effort because you'd love to grant your beagle a bit more freedom. Moreover, you're eager to learn how to provide them with the best possible life.
What Beagle Clients Are Saying...
Beagle Recall Training
100% Privacy. We Will Never Spam You!
Frequently Asked Questions
Will I Need My Beagle For This Training?
Nope! You can engage with the training from the comfort of your favourite chair or even your bed! Simply watch, learn, and then apply the training techniques with your beagle at your own pace.
How Long Is The Training?
The training is around 2 hours. At the end, Kellie held a Q&A session you may also find useful.
Does Kellie Offer Any Other Beagle Training?
Kellie can assist you in training your beagle to address any behavioral issue, offering guidance through Zoom sessions and pre-recorded video training. This allows you to watch, learn, and replicate the techniques at your own pace. You can reach out by emailing or book an initial FREE 20-minute Zoom call using the following booking link: